Kimura, K.W., Casebolt, R., DaSilva, J., Kauffman, E., Kim, J., Dunbar, T.A., Pollock, C.J., Suntivich, J., Hanrath, T. Selective electrochemical CO2 reduction during pulsed potential stems from dynamic interface. ACS Catal. 2020, 10 (15), 8632–8639.
DaSilva, J., Smeaton, M.A., Dunbar, T.A., Xu, Y., Balazs, D.M., Kourkoutis, L.F., Hanrath, T. Mechanistic insights into superlattice transformation at a single nanocrystal level using nanobeam electron diffraction. Nano Lett. 2020, 20 (7), 5267-5274.
Balazs, D.M., Dunbar, T.A., Smilgies, D.M., Hanrath, T. The coupled dynamics of colloidal nanoparticle spreading and self-assembly at a fluid-fluid interface. Langmuir 2020, accepted.
Hanrath, T. Mesoscale metamorphosis. Nature Materials 2020, 19 (1), 2-3.
Williamson, C.B., Nevers, D.R., Nelson, A., Hadar, I., Banin, U., Hanrath, T., Robinson, R.D. Chemically reversible isomerization of inorganic clusters. Science 2019, 363 (6428), 731-735.
Huang, J.Y., Xu, H., Peretz, E., Wu, D.Y., Ober, C.K., Hanrath, T. Three-Dimensional Printing of Hierarchical Porous Architectures. Chemistry of Materials 2019, 31 (24), 10017-10022.
McCray, A.R.C., Savitzky, B.H., Whitham, K., Hanrath, T, Kourkoutis, L.F. Orientational Disorder in Epitaxially Connected Quantum Dot Solids. ACS Nano 2019, 13 (10), 11460-11468.
Smeaton, M.A., Balazs, D.M., Hanrath, T, Kourkoutis, L.F. Quantifying Atomic-Scale Quantum Dot Superlattice Behavior Upon in situ Heating. Microscopy and Microanalysis 2019, 25 (S2), 1538-1539.
Richards, B.T., McShane, E.J., Schraer, S.R., Whitham, K., Hanrath, T. Monitoring Seed Formation Dynamics of Bulk-nucleated Vapor-Solid-Solid Germanium Nanowires via Resistance Measurements . Chem. Mater. 2018, accepted.
Kimura, K.W., Fritz, K.E., Kim, J., Suntivich, J, Abruña, H.D., Hanrath, T. Controlled Selectivity of CO2 Reduction on Copper by Pulsing the Electrochemical Potential . ChemSusChem 2018, 11 (11), 1781-1786.
Nevers, D.R., Williamson, C.B, Savitzky, B.H., Hadar, I., Banin, U., Kourkoutis, L.F., Hanrath, T., Robinson, R.D. Mesophase Formation Stabilizes High-Purity Magic-Sized Clusters. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2018, 140 (10), 3652–3662.
Whitham, K., Smilgies, D.-M., Hanrath, T. Entropic, Enthalpic, and Kinetic Aspects of Interfacial Nanocrystal Superlattice Assembly and Attachment. Chem. Mater. 2018, 30 (1), 54–63.
Padgett, E., Hovden, R., DaSilva, J., Levin, B., Grazul, J., Hanrath, T., Muller, D. A Simple Preparation Method for Full-Range Electron Tomography of Nanoparticles and Fine Powders. Microsc. Microanal. 2017, 23 (6), 1150-1158.
Padgett, E., Hovden, R., Da Silva, J., Hanrath, T., Muller, D. New Full-Range Electron Tomography Procedure for Accurate Quantification of Surfaces, Curvature, and Porosity in Energy-Related Nanomaterials. Microsc. Microanal. 2017, 23 (S1), 2002-2003.
Gupta, U., Hanrath, T., Escobedo, F.A. Modeling the orientational and positional behavior of polyhedral nanoparticles at fluid-fluid interfaces. Phys. Rev. Materials 2017, 1, 055602.
Smilgies, D.-M., Hanrath, T. Superlattice self-assembly: Watching nanocrystals in action. EPL 2017, 119 (2), 28003.
Whitham, K., Hanrath, T. On the formation of epitaxially connected quantum dot solids: nucleation and coherent phase transition. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2017, 8 (12), 2623–2628.
Treml, B. E., Savitzky, B. H., Tirmzi, A. M., DaSilva, J., Kourkoutis, L. F., Hanrath, T. Successive ionic layer absorption and reaction for post-assembly control over inorganic inter-dot bonds in long-range ordered nanocrystal films. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2017, 9 (15), 13500-13507. |
Tirmzi, A. M., Dwyer, R. P., Hanrath, T., Marohn, J. A. Coupled slow and fast charge dynamics in cesium lead bromide perovskite. ACS Energy Lett. 2017, 2 (2), 488-496.
Richards, B., Schraer, S., McShane, E., Quintana, J., Levin, B., Muller, D., Hanrath, T. Reaction kinetics of germanium nanowire growth on inductively heated copper surfaces. Chem. Mater. 2017, 29 (11), 4792-4800. |
Nevers, D. R., Williamson, C. B., Hanrath, T., Robinson, R. D. Surface chemistry of cadmium sulfide magic-sized clusters: a window into ligand-nanoparticle interactions. Chem. Comm. 2017, 53 (19), 2866-2869.
Savitzky, B.H., Hovden, R., Whitham, K., Yang, J., Wise, F., Hanrath, T., Kourkoutis, L.F. Propagation of Structural Disorder in Epitaxially Connected Quantum Dot Solids from Atomic to Micron Scale. Nano Lett. 2016, 16 (9), 5714–5718.
Savitzky, B.H.,Hovden, R., Whitham, K., Hanrath, T., Kourkoutis, L.F. Quantitative, Real-Space Statistical Analysis of Imperfect Lattices. Microsc. Microanal. 2016, 22 (S3) 892-893.
Treml, B.E. Hanrath, T. Quantitative Framework for Evaluating Semitransparent Photovoltaic Windows. ACS Energy Lett. 2016, 1 (2), 291-294.
Whitham, K.; Yang, J.; Savitzky, B. H.; Kourkoutis, L. F.; Wise, F.; Hanrath, T., Charge transport and localization in atomically coherent quantum dot solids. Nat. Mater. 2016, 15, 557–563.
Williamson, C. B., Nevers, D. R., Hanrath, T., and Robinson, R. D. “The Prodigious Effects of Concentration Intensification on Nanoparticle Synthesis: a High-Quality, Scalable Approach” Journal Of The American Chemical Society 2015, 137, 15843–15851.
doi: 10.1021/jacs.5b10006
Treml, B. E., Jacobs, A. G., Bell, R. T., Thompson, M. O., and Hanrath, T. “Μ-Rainbow: CdSe Nanocrystal Photoluminescence Gradients via Laser Spike Annealing for Kinetic Investigations and Tunable Device Design” Nano Letters 2015, 16, 967–972.
doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b03918
Wang, Y., Xu, H., Hollingsworth, J. A., Hanrath, T., Fang, J., and Wang, Z. “An Obtuse Rhombohedral Superlattice Assembled by Pt Nanocubes” Nano Letters 2015, 15, 6254–6260.
doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b02879
Treml, B. E., Yang, J., Wise, F., and Hanrath, T. “Simultaneous Ligand and Cation Exchange in PbSe/CdSe Nanocrystal Films” Chemical Physics 2015, 471, 69-74.
doi: 10.1016/j.chemphys.2015.07.011
Treml, B. E., Robbins, A. B., Whitham, K., Smilgies, D.-M., Thompson, M. O., and Hanrath, T. “Processing–Structure–Property Relationships in Laser-Annealed PbSe Nanocrystal Thin Films” ACS Nano 2015, 9, 4096–4102.
doi: 10.1021/acsnano.5b00167 |
Silberstein, K. E., Lowe, M. A., Richards, B., Gao, J., Hanrath, T., and Abruña, H. D. “Operando X-Ray Scattering and Spectroscopic Analysis of Germanium Nanowire Anodes in Lithium Ion Batteries” Langmuir 31, no. 6 (2015): 2028–2035.
doi: 10.1021/la504382q |
Ocier, C. R., Smilgies, D. M., Robinson, R. D., and Hanrath, T. “Reconfigurable Nanorod Films: an in-Situ Study of the Relationship Between Tunable Nanorod Orientation and the Optical Properties of Their Self-Assembled Thin Films” Chemistry Of Materials 2015, 27, 2659–2665.
doi: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.5b00503 |
Thapar, V., Hanrath, T., and Escobedo, F. “Entropic Self-Assembly of Freely Rotating Polyhedral Particles Confined to a Flat Interface” Soft Matter 11, no. 8 (2015): 1481–1491.
doi: 10.1039/C4SM02641A |
Bian, K., Bassett, W., Wang, Z., and Hanrath, T. “The Strongest Particle: Size-Dependent Elastic Strength and Debye Temperature of PbS Nanocrystals” Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters (2014): 3688–3693.
doi: 10.1021/jz501797y |
Treml, B. E., Lukose, B., Clancy, P., Smilgies, D.-M., and Hanrath, T. “Connecting the Particles in the Box – Controlled Fusion of Hexamer Nanocrystal Clusters Within an AB6 Binary Nanocrystal Superlattice” Scientific Reports 4, (2014): 6731.
doi: 10.1038/srep06731 |
Zhang, H., Yang, J., Hanrath, T., and Wise, F. W. “Sub-10 Nm Monodisperse PbS Cubes by Post-Synthesis Shape Engineering” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16, no. 28 (2014): 14640.
doi: 10.1039/c4cp01531b |
Savitzky, B. H., Whitham, K., Bian, K., Hovden, R., Hanrath, T., and Kourkoutis, L. F. “Three-Dimensional Arrangement and Connectivity of Lead-Chalcogenide Nanoparticle Assemblies for Next Generation Photovoltaics” Microscopy and Microanalysis 20, no. S3 (2014): 542–543.
doi: 10.1017/S1431927614004437 |
Li, R., Bian, K., Hanrath, T., Bassett, W. A., and Wang, Z. “Decoding the Superlattice and Interface Structure of Truncate PbS Nanocrystal-Assembled Supercrystal and Associated Interaction Forces” Journal Of The American Chemical Society 2014, 136, 12047–12055.
doi: 10.1021/ja5057032 |
Bian, K., Singh, A. K., Hennig, R. G., Wang, Z., and Hanrath, T. “The Nanocrystal Superlattice Pressure Cell: a Novel Approach to Study Molecular Bundles Under Uniaxial Compression” Nano Letters 2014, 14 (8), 4763–4766. |
Tan, K. W., Moore, D. T., Saliba, M., Sai, H., Estroff, L. A., Hanrath, T., Snaith, H. J., and Wiesner, U. “Thermally Induced Structural Evolution and Performance of Mesoporous Block Copolymer-Directed Alumina Perovskite Solar Cells” ACS Nano 8, no. 5 (2014): 4730–4739. |
Park, B., Whitham, K., Bian, K., Lim, Y.-F., and Hanrath, T. “Probing Surface States in PbS Nanocrystal Films Using Pentacene Field Effect Transistors: Controlling Carrier Concentration and Charge Transport in Pentacene” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2014, 16, 25729-25733.
doi: 10.1039/C4CP01507J |
Baumgardner, W. J., Yu, Y., Hovden, R., Honrao, S., Hennig, R. G., Abruna, H. D., Muller, D., and Hanrath, T. “Nanoparticle Metamorphosis: an in SituHigh-Temperature Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of the Structural Evolution of Heterogeneous Au:Fe 2O3Nanoparticles” ACS Nano 8, no. 5 (2014): 5315–5322. |
Bian, K., Richards, B. T., Yang, H., Bassett, W., Wise, F., Wang, Z., and Hanrath, T. “Optical Properties of PbS Nanocrystal Quantum Dots at Ambient and Elevated Pressure” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2014):
doi: 10.1039/c4cp00395k |
Ocier, C. R., Whitham, K., Hanrath, T., and Robinson, R. D. “Chalcogenidometallate Clusters as Surface Ligands for PbSe Nanocrystal Field-Effect Transistors” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118, no. 7 (2014): 3377–3385.
doi: 10.1021/jp406369a |
Moore, D. T., Gaskey, B., Robbins, A., and Hanrath, T. “A Detailed Balance Analysis of Conversion Efficiencies Limits for Nanocrystal Solar Cells—Relating the Shape of the Excitonic Peak to Conversion Efficiencies” Journal Of Applied Physics 115, no. 5 (2014): 054313.
doi: 10.1063/1.4864066 |
Richards, B. T., Gaskey, B., Levin, B. D. A., Whitham, K., Muller, D., and Hanrath, T. “Direct Growth of Germanium and Silicon Nanowires on Metal Films ” Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2, no. 10 (2014): 1699–1678.
doi: 10.1039/C3TC31666A |
Hyun, B.-R., Choi, J. J., Seyler, K. L., Hanrath, T., and Wise, F. W. “Heterojunction PbS Nanocrystal Solar Cells with Oxide Charge-Transport Layers” ACS Nano 7, no. 12 (2013): 10938–10947.
doi: 10.1021/nn404457c |
Baumgardner, W. J., Whitham, K., and Hanrath, T. “Confined-but-Connected Quantum Solids via Controlled Ligand Displacement” Nano Letters 13, no. 7 (2013): 3225–3231.
doi: 10.1021/nl401298s |
Wang, Z., Schliehe, C., Bian, K., Dale, D., Bassett, W. A., Hanrath, T., Klinke, C., and Weller, H. “Correlating Superlattice Polymorphs to Internanoparticle Distance, Packing Density, and Surface Lattice in Assemblies of PbS Nanoparticles” Nano Letters 13, no. 3 (2013): 1303–1311.
doi: 10.1021/nl400084k |
Choi, J. J., Bian, K., Baumgardner, W. J., Smilgies, D.-M., and Hanrath, T. “Interface-Induced Nucleation, Orientational Alignment and Symmetry Transformations in Nanocube Superlattices” Nano Letters 12, no. 9 (2012): 4791–4798.
doi: 10.1021/nl3026289 |
Bian, K., Wang, Z., and Hanrath, T. “Comparing the Structural Stability of PbS Nanocrystals Assembled in Fcc and Bcc Superlattice Allotropes” Journal Of The American Chemical Society 134, no. 26 (2012): 10787–10790.
doi: 10.1021/ja304259y |
Bealing, C. R., Baumgardner, W. J., Choi, J. J., Hanrath, T., and Hennig, R. G. “Predicting Nanocrystal Shape Through Consideration of Surface-Ligand Interactions” ACS Nano 6, no. 3 (2012): 2118–2127.
doi: 10.1021/nn3000466 |
Sun, L., Choi, J. J., Stachnik, D., Bartnik, A. C., Hyun, B.-R., Malliaras, G. G., Hanrath, T., and Wise, F. W. “Bright Infrared Quantum-Dot Light-Emitting Diodes Through Inter-Dot Spacing Control” Nat. Nano. 7, no. 6 (2012): 369–373.
doi: 10.1038/nnano.2012.63 |
Hanrath, T. “Colloidal Nanocrystal Quantum Dot Assemblies as Artificial Solids” Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology, A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 30, no. 3 (2012): 030802–030802.
doi: 10.1116/1.4705402 |
Lim, Y.-F., Choi, J. J., and Hanrath, T. “Facile Synthesis of Colloidal CuO Nanocrystals for Light-Harvesting Applications” Journal of Nanomaterials 2012, 393160. |
Baumgardner, W. J., Quan, Z., Fang, J., and Hanrath, T. “Timing Matters: the Underappreciated Role of Temperature Ramp Rate for Shape Control and Reproducibility of Quantum Dot Synthesis” Nanoscale 4, no. 12 (2012): 3625–3628. |
Baumgardner, W. J., Choi, J. J., Bian, K., Fitting Kourkoutis, L., Smilgies, D.-M., Thompson, M. O., and Hanrath, T. “Pulsed Laser Annealing of Thin Films of Self-Assembled Nanocrystals” ACS Nano 5, no. 9 (2011): 7010–7019. |
Choi, J. J., Wenger, W. N., Hoffman, R. S., Lim, Y.-F., Luria, J., Jasieniak, J., Marohn, J. A., and Hanrath, T. “Solution-Processed Nanocrystal Quantum Dot Tandem Solar Cells” Advanced Materials 23, no. 28 (2011): 3144–3148. |
Hyun, B.-R., Bartnik, A. C., Sun, L., Hanrath, T., and Wise, F. W. “Control of Electron Transfer From Lead-Salt Nanocrystals to TiO 2” Nano Letters 11, no. 5 (2011): 2126–2132. |
Bian, K., Choi, J. J., Kaushik, A., Clancy, P., Smilgies, D.-M., and Hanrath, T. “Shape-Anisotropy Driven Symmetry Transformations in Nanocrystal Superlattice Polymorphs” ACS Nano 5, no. 4 (2011): 2815–2823. |
Choi, J. J., Bealing, C. R., Bian, K., Hughes, K. J., Zhang, W., Smilgies, D.-M., Hennig, R. G., Engstrom, J. R., and Hanrath, T. “Controlling Nanocrystal Superlattice Symmetry and Shape-Anisotropic Interactions Through Variable Ligand Surface Coverage” Journal Of The American Chemical Society 133, no. 9 (2011): 3131–3138. |
Baumgardner, W. J., Choi, J. J., Lim, Y.-F., and Hanrath, T. “SnSe Nanocrystals: Synthesis, Structure, Optical Properties, and Surface Chemistry” Journal Of The American Chemical Society 132, no. 28 (2010): 9519–9521. |
Codoluto, S. C., Baumgardner, W. J., and Hanrath, T. “Fundamental Aspects of Nucleation and Growth in the Solution-Phase Synthesis of Germanium Nanocrystals” CrystEngComm 12, no. 10 (2010): 2903–2909. |
Choi, J. J., Luria, J., Hyun, B.-R., Bartnik, A. C., Sun, L., Lim, Y.-F., Marohn, J. A., Wise, F. W., and Hanrath, T. “Photogenerated Exciton Dissociation in Highly Coupled Lead Salt Nanocrystal Assemblies” Nano Letters 10, no. 5 (2010): 1805–1811.
doi:10.1021/nl100498e |
Hyun, B.-R., Bartnik, A. C., Lee, J.-K., Imoto, H., Sun, L., Choi, J. J., Chujo, Y., Hanrath, T., Ober, C. K., and Wise, F. W. “Role of Solvent Dielectric Properties on Charge Transfer From PbS Nanocrystals Molecules” Nano Letters 10, no. 1 (2010): 318–323.
doi:10.1021/nl903623n, |
Choi, J. J., Lim, Y.-F., Santiago-Berrios, M. B., Oh, M., Hyun, B.-R., Sung, L., Bartnik, A. C., Goedhart, A., Malliaras, G. G., Abruna, H. D., Wise, F. W., and Hanrath, T. “PbSe Nanocrystal Excitonic Solar Cells” Nano Letters 9, no. 11 (2009): 3749–3755.
doi:10.1021/nl901930g |
Hanrath, T., Veldman, D., Choi, J. J., Christova, C. G., Wienk, M. M., and Janssen, R. A. J. “PbSe Nanocrystal Network Formation During Pyridine Ligand Displacement” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 1, no. 2 (2009): 244–250. |
Hanrath, T., Choi, J. J., and Smilgies, D.-M. “Structure/Processing Relationships of Highly Ordered Lead Salt Nanocrystal Superlattices” ACS Nano 3, no. 10 (2009): 2975–2988. doi:10.1021/nn901008r, |
Trinh, M. T., Houtepen, A. J., Schins, J. M., Hanrath, T., Piris, J., Knulst, W., Goossens, A. P. L. M., and Siebbeles, L. D. A. “In Spite of Recent Doubts Carrier Multiplication Does Occur in PbSe Nanocrystals” Nano Letters 8, no. 6 (2008): 1713–1718. |
Zhang, J., Gao, Y., Hanrath, T., Korgel, B. A., and Buriak, J. M. “Block Copolymer Mediated Deposition of Metal Nanoparticles on Germanium Nanowires” Chemical Communications no. 14 (2007): 1438–1440. |
Yoo, B., Dodabalapur, A., Lee, D. C., Hanrath, T., and Korgel, B. A. “Germanium Nanowire Transistors with Ethylene Glycol Treated Poly (3, 4-Ethylenedioxythiophene): Poly (Styrene Sulfonate) Contacts” Applied Physics Letters 90, no. 7 (2007): 072106–072106. |
Korgel, B. A., Lee, D. C., Hanrath, T., Yacaman, M. J., Thesen, A., Matijevic, M., Kilaas, R., Kisielowski, C., and Diebold, A. C. “Application of Aberration-Corrected TEM and Image Simulation to Nanoelectronics and Nanotechnology” Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on 19, no. 4 (2006): 391–396. |
Schricker April, D., Joshi, S. V., Hanrath, T., Banerjee, S. K., and Korgel, B. A. “Temperature Dependence of the Field Effect Mobility of Solution-Grown Germanium Nanowires” The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110, no. 13 (2006): 6816–6823. |
Hanrath, T. and Korgel, B. A. “Germanium Nanowire Transistors: a Comparison of Electrical Contacts Patterned by Electron Beam Lithography and Beam-Assisted Chemical Vapour Deposition” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems 218, no. 1 (2005): 25–34. |
Tuan, H.-Y., Lee, D. C., Hanrath, T., and Korgel, B. A. “Germanium Nanowire Synthesis: an Example of Solid-Phase Seeded Growth with Nickel Nanocrystals” Chemistry Of Materials 17, no. 23 (2005): 5705–5711. |
Lee, D. C., Hanrath, T., and Korgel, B. A. “The Role of Precursor-Decomposition Kinetics in Silicon-Nanowire Synthesis in Organic Solvents” Angewandte Chemie-International Edition in English 44, no. 23 (2005): 3573–3577. |
Hanrath, T. and Korgel, B. A. “Influence of Surface States on Electron Transport Through Intrinsic Ge Nanowires” Journal Of Physical Chemistry B 109, no. 12 (2005): 5518–5524. |
Tuan, H.-Y., Lee, D. C., Hanrath, T., and Korgel, B. A. “Catalytic Solid-Phase Seeding of Silicon Nanowires by Nickel Nanocrystals in Organic Solvents” Nano Letters 5, no. 4 (2005): 681–684. |
Hanrath, T. and Korgel, B. A. “Crystallography and Surface Faceting of Germanium Nanowires” Small 1, no. 7 (2005): 717–721.
doi: 10.1002/smll.200500033 |
Hanrath, T., Lee, D. C., Korgel, B. A., and Diebold, A. “TEM and MultiSlice Simulation Investigation of Si and Ge Nanowires” Microscopy and Microanalysis 11, no. S02 (2005): 1918–1919. |
Saunders, A. E., Shah, P. S., Sigman, M. B., Hanrath, T., Hwang, H. S., Lim, K. T., Johnston, K. P., and Korgel, B. A. “Inverse Opal Nanocrystal Superlattice Films” Nano Letters 4, no. 10 (2004): 1943–1948. |
Hanrath, T. and Korgel, B. A. “A Comprehensive Study of Electron Energy Losses in Ge Nanowires” Nano Letters 4, no. 8 (2004): 1455–1461. |
Shah, P. S., Hanrath, T., Johnston, K. P., and Korgel, B. A. “Nanocrystal and Nanowire Synthesis and Dispersibility in Supercritical Fluids” Journal Of Physical Chemistry B 108, no. 28 (2004): 9574–9587.
doi: 10.1021/jp049827w |
Diebold, A. C., Foran, B., Hanrath, T., and Korgel, B. “Advanced Microscopy for the Semiconductor Industry” Microscopy and Microanalysis 10, no. S02 (2004): 526–527. |
Hanrath, T. and Korgel, B. A. “Chemical Surface Passivation of Ge Nanowires” Journal Of The American Chemical Society 126, no. 47 (2004): 15466–15472. |
Hanrath, T. and Korgel, B. A. “Quantum Confinement Effects in Germanium Nanowires Studied by Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS)” Optical Science and Technology, the SPIE 49th Annual Meeting(2004): 40–47. |
Sigman, M. B., Ghezelbash, A., Hanrath, T., Saunders, A. E., Lee, F., and Korgel, B. A. “Solventless Synthesis of Monodisperse Cu 2S Nanorods, Nanodisks, and Nanoplatelets” Journal Of The American Chemical Society 125, no. 51 (2003): 16050–16057. |
Mitra, S., Deshpande, R., Hanrath, T., and Hartman, J. “Hot-Wire Growth of Multi-Phase Carbon Nitride Films” Thin Solid Films 430, no. 1-2 (2003): 300–303. |
Lu, X., Hanrath, T., Johnston, K. P., and Korgel, B. A. “Growth of Single Crystal Silicon Nanowires in Supercritical Solution From Tethered Gold Particles on a Silicon Substrate” Nano Letters 3, no. 1 (2003): 93–99. |
Hanrath, T., Zhou, J., and Korgel, B. “Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy of Germanium Nanowires” Microscopy and Microanalysis 9, no. S02 (2003): 332–333. |
Lu, X., Hanrath, T., Johnston, K. P., and Korgel, B. A. “Growth of Single Crystal Silicon Nanowires in Supercritical Solution From Tethered Gold Particles on a Silicon Substrate” Nano Letters 3, no. 1 (2003): 93–99. |
Hanrath, T. and Korgel, B. A. “Supercritical Fluid–Liquid–Solid (SFLS) Synthesis of Si and Ge Nanowires Seeded by Colloidal Metal Nanocrystals” Advanced Materials 15, no. 5 (2003): 437–440. |
Yu, C., Jang, W., Hanrath, T., Kim, D., Yao, Z., Korgel, B., Shi, L., Wang, Z. L., Li, D., and Majumdar, A. “Thermal and Thermoelectric Measurements of Low Dimensional Nanostructures” ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Proceedings 2003 2003-47263, (2003) |
Hanrath, T. and Korgel, B. A. “Nucleation and Growth of Germanium Nanowires Seeded by Organic Monolayer-Coated Gold Nanocrystals” Journal Of The American Chemical Society 124, no. 7 (2002): 1424–1429. |
Le Granvalet-Mancini, M., Hanrath, T., and Teeters, D. “Characterization of the Passivation Layer at the Polymer Electrolyte/Lithium Electrode Interface” Solid State Ionics 135, no. 1 (2000): 283–290. |